About FIDO

Rover Tests




LAPIS Mission

L.A.P.I.S. 3 Student Test Mission Students from 4 high schools in the U.S. will conduct their own tests of FIDO over the internet during the May 2001 field tests in the western U.S.

Last year, a portion of the FIDO Black Rock field tests was planned and conducted by students from five schools in the U.S. and Denmark.  In 1999, students from four cities across the U.S. planned and conducted a portion of the FIDO Silver Lake field tests. 

Educational Links There are many websites that provide more information about Earth, Mars, space exploration, and new technologies. Ed Links

Activities Educational Activities

The LAPIS 2 Student Test Mission web site has rover-specific activities you can do in school or at home!

You can also look at the APEX/Athena web site for more activities.

FIDO Questions You can send your FIDO questions to rover scientists and engineers. FIDO Questions