Rocky 7 picture

Rocky 7 - Mojave Desert Field Experiments

Java StereoViewer Applet

Individual stereo wedge images from panoramic or navigation images can be viewed using a Java Applet written to display them in three modes: normal, interleaved, and as anaglyphs.


This displays the wedge or navigation images from the left camera of the rover without changes.


The interleaved mode can be used with many types of gaming virtual reality 3-D glasses to display images in stereo. The left and right images from the rover are displayed in alternating lines.


Viewing a wedge displayed in the anaglyph mode with red/blue glasses will produce a 3-D effect showing the terrain of the region. This is because the left image of the stereo pair returned from the rover is displayed as red and right image is displayed as blue. A small sample is shown to the right. Scientists found this tool to be very useful during the tests.