Rocky 7 picture

Rocky 7 - Background


Field Work Science Team

The Science Team is led by Raymond E. Arvidson and includes Curt Niebur and Judd Bowman, all from Washington University; Steve Saunders, Jeff Plescia, and Diana Blaney, JPL; Jack Farmer, NASA Ames; Steve Squyres, Cornell University; and Goestar Klingelhoefer, Darmstadt.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Robotics and Mars Exploration Technology Program Office

This team is responsible for the development and operation of Rocky 7, which has been designed to make the measurements agreed upon by the scientists involved in the rover deployment activities. This Office also has overall responsibility for the tests, under the cognizance of Samad Hayati, Task Manager.

Mars Surveyor Program Office

This Office provides guidance and oversight as to the deployment objectives, including the extent to which the activities focus on requirements to simulate activities related to sample return missions.

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