LAPIS 3 Telecon



Haltom update:  The team sifted soil samples into 3 different sizes, took pictures and spectra on all samples.  The have the data and are putting it into graphs.  They are comparing their results to known samples.


Ithaca update: Haven’t had a chance to meet due to snow days.


LA update: The interviews with JPL scientists/engineers are done.  They will provide articles and photos to the St. Louis team and to Cassie.


St. Louis update: The public site is now up at


The Mars Yard Test on April 11 will be run from Wash. U. as an all day activity with any other teams dialing in to the telecon line and following along as possible.  The sequences will be built at JPL and then everyone will be able to view them and comment.  Everyone on WITS will be able to follow the test and look at the downlink data.


During the two days of the test mission May 10 and 11 there will be four uplink/downlink cycles.  Each team member will have a different role for different sols.


Stephanie and Wash. U. talked about the roles/responsibilities matrix that needs to be filled in by each team.