LAPIS 3 Telecon


2:00 – 3:00 PT


1. Group updates: The LA group is writing up questions to ask the scientists and engineers during their interviews.  If you have suggestions for questions, email them to the LA team.  The St. Louis group has gone to Wash. U. to work with Ray.  They have looked at WITS and Viz and have a schedule and plan for the public web site.  The Ithaca team is discussion mission goals and science goals.  They have assigned roles to team members and are planning a trip to Cornell. The Haltom group has gotten information on the instruments they will be using and have planned a trip to go to JSC.


2. Jeff Norris reported that we are about 2-3 weeks from getting the new, improved WITS.  All teams report having the necessary computer equipment to run WITS.  Terry reported that they are testing everything on the rover instrument by instrument and have updated the electronics so that they can turn instruments off when they are not in use.


3. Please remember to send a team photo when you can.


As always, feel free to contact Cassie at if you have any questions or concerns.