Cassie Bowman (cdbowman@stanford.edu),
Jeff Norris (jnorris@jpl.nasa.gov),
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 818.354.5472
High School: Haltom High School
Mentors: Dick Morris (richard.v.morris1@jsc.nasa.gov) and Doug Ming (douglas.w.ming1@jsc.nasa.gov), Johnson Space Center
Faciliator: Bob Houston (rhouston@wf.net)
Assistant Facilitators: David Worley(technology) (dworley_001@yahoo.com), Steve Bucholtz(physics) (sbucholtzs@cs.com), Tom Lucas(physics) (tomblucas@yahoo.com)
Student team:
Nick Bryant (nlbryant18@aol.com)
Ben King (btking@swbell.net)
Mark Shinpaugh (mashinpaugh@hotmail.com)
Samantha Valle (ncvalle6@juno.com)
TJ Green (some_krazy_guy@yahoo.com)
Michael Spagnuolo (mountaindew00@hotmail.com)
Jonathon Crow
High School: Norwich High School
Mentor: Steve Squyres (squyres@astrosun.tn.cornell.edu), Cornell University
Assistant: Diane Sherman (diane@astrosun.tn.cornell.edu)
Facilitator: Patti Giltner (pattigil@yahoo.com)
Student team:
James Crugnale (jamie_monet@yahoo.com)
Miranda Knowles (tmb@citlink.net)
Dallas Schult (D_1985@yahoo.com)
Ashley Smith (butterfly_5_99@hotmail.com)
Chris Zupp (taradorn90@hotmail.com)
One of these students will be an alternate.
High School: Marshall High School
Mentor: Bob Anderson (robert.c.anderson@jpl.nasa.gov), Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Faciliator: Steven Dworetzky (sdworetz@lausd.k12.ca.us), Thomas Starr King Middle School
Student team:
Cameron Cobb (dbzkiwi@aol.com)
Jennifer Tuey (pigaro@yahoo.com)
Deisy Uribe (ThePyroChic@aol.com)
Steven Wong (Shotcalla@aol.com)
High School: Clayton High School
Mentor: Ray Arvidson (arvidson@wunder.wustl.edu), Washington University
Assistant: Stephanie Nelson (nelson@wunder.wustl.edu)
Faciliator: Nathan Peck (Nathan_Peck@clayton.k12.mo.us)
Student team:
Lele Fryer (coollele@aol.com)
Max Holtz (systcrash69@hotmail.com)
Dan Norber (Dogg01@aol.com)
Carla Staver (consuela1784@aol.com)
Nick Bennette (nick_bennette@hotmail.com)
Meredith Berwick (live4funk@hotmail.com)